Conditions of Service
Conditions of Service
As a licensed distributor of electricity, Ottawa River Power Corporation is required to have a document known as “Conditions of Service”. The purpose of the Conditions of Service, is to communicate operating practices, connection policies, and types and levels of service available to customers and consumers in the service territories operated by Ottawa River Power Corporation.
The basis of the Ottawa River Power Conditions of Service is formed on the template presented in Appendix A of the Ontario Energy Board’s Distribution System Code and are organized as follows:
The General section contains references to services and requirements that are common to all customer types. This section covers items such as Rates, Billing, Hours of Work, Emergency Response, Power Quality, Available Voltages, Metering and Special Contracts.
The Customer Specific section contains references to services and requirements specific to the respective customer class. This section covers items such as Service Entrance Requirements, Delineation of Ownership, etc.
For more information, please download and review the document using the link below:
Customers without Internet access may obtain a copy of the Conditions of Service at our offices at the following locations:
Pembroke Office
283 Pembroke St. West
Pembroke, Ontario
Almonte Office
12B Mill St.
Almonte, Ontario